The Insider and Chief Financial Officer of CBRE Group Inc (NYSE:CBG), James Groch, Unloaded 10,000 Shares

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James Groch Insider Sell

On 11-12-2015, a giant insider trading sale was made. James Groch, the Chief Financial Officer and an insider of Cbre Group Inc sold precisely 10,000 shares of Cbre Group Inc, worth approximately $351,856 U.S. Dollars, at $35.2 a share at the time of the sale. It seems he is very active lately as in the last 30 days, he sold additional shares of the company, worth $ USD. Published 11-12-2015, you can find out more about the sale by referring to the following original report here. This large trade will probably draw attention, as James Groch currently owns 0.18% of the total market capitalization of the company.

Out of 6 analysts covering CBRE Group (NYSE:CBG), 6 rate it “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 0 “Hold”. This means 100% are positive. $47 is the highest target while $42 is the lowest. The $43.67 average target is 25.83% above today’s ($34.57) stock price. CBRE Group was the topic in 5 analyst reports since August 12, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. William Blair maintained the stock on September 6 with “Outperform” rating. Goldman Sachs downgraded the shares of CBG in a report on August 12 to “Conviction-Buy” rating.

The institutional sentiment increased to 1.32 in 2015 Q3. Its up 0.15, from 1.17 in 2015Q2. The ratio improved, as 36 funds sold all CBRE Group Inc shares owned while 148 reduced positions. 40 funds bought stakes while 203 increased positions. They now own 321.53 million shares or 5.28% more from 305.40 million shares in 2015Q2.

Blum Capital Partners Lp holds 66.96% of its portfolio in CBRE Group Inc for 3.93 million shares. 13D Management Llc owns 793,836 shares or 6.76% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Valueact Holdings L.P. has 5.83% invested in the company for 31.33 million shares. The Colorado-based Obermeyer Wood Investment Counsel Lllp has invested 4.63% in the stock. Land & Buildings Investment Management Llc, a Connecticut-based fund reported 286,400 shares.

Since May 13, 2015, the stock had 0 buys, and 5 sales for $4.51 million net activity. Strong Michael J sold 36,359 shares worth $1.18M. Kirk J. Christopher sold 20,000 shares worth $647,260. Groch James R sold 30,470 shares worth $1.16M. Borok Gil sold 19,181 shares worth $734,160. The insider Khourie Matthew S sold 20,948 shares worth $783,637.

The stock decreased 1.73% or $0.61 during the last trading session, hitting $34.57. About 2.24M shares traded hands or 8.74% up from the average. CBRE Group Inc (NYSE:CBG) has declined 6.31% since May 8, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 3.29% the S&P500.

More important recent CBRE Group Inc (NYSE:CBG) news were published by: which released: “CBRE Group, Inc. Acquires Tax Credit Group, the National Leader in Affordable ..” on December 07, 2015, also published article titled: “Form 4 CBRE GROUP, INC. For: Dec 10 Filed by: GROCH JAMES R”, published: “CBRE Group, Inc. Acquires Forum Analytics, LLC” on November 18, 2015. More interesting news about CBRE Group Inc (NYSE:CBG) was released by: and their article: “CBRE Group, Inc. Earns Top Score on Corporate Equality Index for Third ..” with publication date: November 18, 2015.

CBRE Group, Inc. is a holding company that conducts all of its activities through its indirect subsidiaries. The company has a market cap of $11.76 billion. The Firm is a commercial real estate services and investment firm. It has 20.32 P/E ratio. The Firm operates through the divisions: Americas; Europe, Middle East and Africa; Asia Pacific; Global Investment Management, and Development Services.

According to Zacks Investment Research, “CBRE Group, Inc is a commercial real estate services firm providing advisory services, capital markets services, valuation services to occupiers, owners, lenders, and investors in office, retail, industrial, multi-family, and other commercial real estate assets. The company also offers investment management services to pension plans, foundations, endowments and outsourcing services. CBRE Group, Inc, formerly known as CB Richard Ellis Group, Inc, is headquartered in Los Angeles, California.” Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on CBRE Group Inc (CBG).

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