Is PS Business Parks Inc (NYSE:PSB) Stock a Sell after Joseph Russell’s Insider Deal?

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Joseph Russell Insider Sell

Ps Business Parks Incca’s CEO, Joseph Russell, unloaded 2,500 shares of stock in the Pinksheet-listed company. The average price paid by Joseph Russell was $85.7, for total sale worth of $214,149 U.S. Dollars. He also sold 4,130 shares with value $365,528 USD in the last 30 days. The big sell is sure to get speculators talking for the company. Joseph Russell now possess 44,718 shares of the Company.

The institutional sentiment decreased to 1.15 in 2015 Q3. Its down 0.10, from 1.25 in 2015Q2. The ratio fall, as 12 funds sold all PS Business Parks Inc shares owned while 54 reduced positions. 15 funds bought stakes while 61 increased positions. They now own 17.32 million shares or 11.04% less from 19.47 million shares in 2015Q2.

Dean Capital Management holds 1.47% of its portfolio in PS Business Parks Inc for 13,305 shares. Diligent Investors Llc owns 12,499 shares or 1.14% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Dean Investment Associates Llc has 0.62% invested in the company for 34,595 shares. The Texas-based Westwood Holdings Group Inc has invested 0.45% in the stock. Nuveen Asset Management Llc, a Illinois-based fund reported 940,321 shares.

Since March 12, 2015, the stock had 0 insider purchases, and 5 sales for $3.25 million net activity. Russell Joseph D Jr sold 2,756 shares worth $202,928. Hawthorne Maria R sold 23,550 shares worth $1.74 million. Kropp James H sold 1,568 shares worth $120,759. Petersen John W sold 6,548 shares worth $500,481. The insider Pruitt Gary E bought 2,000 shares worth $164,805.

The stock increased 0.55% or $0.47 during the last trading session, hitting $85.69. About 87,809 shares traded hands or 8.03% up from the average. PS Business Parks Inc (NYSE:PSB) has risen 12.34% since May 8, 2015 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 15.36% the S&P500.

More notable recent PS Business Parks Inc (NYSE:PSB) news were published by: which released: “Form 4 PS BUSINESS PARKS INC/CA For: Dec 10 Filed by: RUSSELL JOSEPH D JR” on December 12, 2015, also with their article: “Ex-Dividend Reminder: General Growth Properties, RenaissanceRe Holdings and PS ..” published on December 09, 2015, published: “PS Business Parks, Inc. Announces Promotion of Maria R. Hawthorne to President” on August 24, 2015. More interesting news about PS Business Parks Inc (NYSE:PSB) were released by: and their article: “PS Business Parks, Inc. Announces Sale of Northgate Business Park in ..” published on August 03, 2015 as well as‘s news article titled: “PS Business Parks, Inc. Reports Results for the Third Quarter Ended September ..” with publication date: October 27, 2015.

PS Business Parks, Inc. is a self-advised and self-managed real estate investment trust. The company has a market cap of $2.32 billion. The Firm owns, operates, acquires and develops commercial properties, primarily multi-tenant flex, office and industrial parks. It has 17.1 P/E ratio. PS Business Parks, L.P. is a California limited partnership, which owns directly or indirectly all of its assets and through, which the Company conducts its businesses.

According to Zacks Investment Research, “PS Business Parks is a self-advised and self-managed equity real estate investment trust specializing in the ownership, management and acquisition of business parks containing office flex space. The company has interests in a number of commercial properties located in the United States, primarily California, Texas, Oregon and Virginia. (Press Release)” Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on PS Business Parks Inc (PSB).

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