Jonathan Morris, an Insider in Cambridge Capital Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ:CAMB), Unloaded 4070 shares of the Company

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Jonathan Morris Insider Sell

Yesterday, the major shareholder of Cambridge Capital Acquisition Corp, Mr. Jonathan Morris, made a sale of a substantial amount of shares - 4,070, amounting to $41,066 USD, at an average $10.1 for every share. It seems he is very active lately as in the last month, he quietly unloaded additional shares of the company, worth $ USD. Presently, Jonathan Morris owns a total of 1.59 million shares or 52.09% of Cambridge Capital Acquisition Corp’s total market cap. It is an important trade and hence it will possibly not stay hidden.

The institutional sentiment decreased to 0.75 in Q2 2015. Its down 1.25, from 2 in 2015Q1. The ratio dropped, as 4 funds sold all Cambridge Capital Acquisition Corp shares owned while 4 reduced positions. 3 funds bought stakes while 3 increased positions. They now own 4.01 million shares or 5.17% more from 3.82 million shares in 2015Q1.

Weiss Asset Management Lp holds 2.4% of its portfolio in Cambridge Capital Acquisition Corp for 200,000 shares. Berkley W R Corp owns 436,421 shares or 0.59% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Seneca Capital Investments L.P. has 0.51% invested in the company for 275,000 shares. The Ontario - Canada-based Polar Securities Inc. has invested 0.4% in the stock. Basso Capital Management L.P., a Connecticut-based fund reported 231,403 shares.

The stock increased 0.10% or $0.01 on November 17, hitting $10.1. About 356,994 shares traded hands or 1835.14% up from the average. Cambridge Capital Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ:CAMB) has risen 0.20% since April 15, 2015 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 2.74% the S&P500.

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